What we’re about
At T.R.I. Physical Therapy, we believe in providing the highest level of care to our patients. For that reason, we provide one-on-one 45-minute treatment sessions with a Doctor of Physical Therapy.
During a treatment, you may undergo manual therapy techniques such as cupping, various instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilizations, and manual stretching.
We offer biomechanical and running analysis to find potential issues and offer therapeutic solutions. Exercises may be performed utilizing TRX, resistance bands, and Pilates equipment.
Whether you’re 8 or 80, whatever the injury or target improvement may be, know that each patient will receive the highest level of personalized care.
Our Mission
Our mission is to create and foster an environment where people feel comfortable enough to allow themselves to heal. We pride ourselves in creating a space that allows people to quite literally see their weakness and work towards rectifying it in a safe manner.
We look at each patient as a complex whole, not just a small part to treat, and strive to provide the highest level of one on care and take people fully back to their activity level, with emphasis on returning to sport and high-level activity.